Saturday, March 1, 2014

Vocabulary: Words starting with A (41-50)

List (41-50)

 41. Antithesis


late Middle English (originally denoting the substitution of one grammatical case for another): from late Latin, from Greek antitithenai ‘set against’, from anti ‘against’ + tithenai ‘to place’. The earliest current sense, denoting a rhetorical or literary device, dates from the early 16th cent.
Meaning in English: contrast, a person or thing direct opposite to someone or something, contrast or opposition between two things.
Meaning in Hindi: अन्तर, प्रतिपक्षता, विरोध, अलंकार
Usage in Sentence:
"Love is antithesis of selfishness."
Synonyms: converse, reverse, contrast, opposition, contradictory, inverse, counter.
Antonyms: same, similarity.
Mnemonic: Anti means opposite and thesis means description of idea. So Antithesis means opposite to idea.

42. Antler


late Middle English (originally denoting the lowest (forward-directed) branch of the antler): from Anglo-Norman French, variant of Old French antoillier, of unknown origin.
Meaning in English: bony growth on the head of deer.
Meaning in Hindi: बारहसिंगे की सींग की एक शाखा
 Usage in Sentence:
"a stag’s antler."
Synonyms: horn, spike, rack.
Mnemonic: Its like antenna which have horns of antenna.          

43. Anvil


Old English anfilte, from the Germanic base of on + a verbal stem meaning ‘beat’.
Meaning in English: Iron block used in hammering out.
Meaning in Hindi: निहाई
Usage in Sentence:
"Anvil clouds."
Synonyms: horseshoer, plover, smith.
Mnemonic: Anvil = An + Vil (Wheel). An wheel is made of iron.

44. Apathy


early 17th cent.: from French apathie, via Latin from Greek apatheia, from apathēs ‘without feeling’, from a- ‘without’ + pathos ‘suffering’.
Meaning in English: lack of caring, indifference, absence of passion/emotion, lack of interest.
Meaning in Hindi: उदासीनता
Usage in Sentence:
"Widespread apathy among students."
Synonyms: lack of interest, impassivity, dispassion, passiveness, coolness, unconcern.
Antonyms: enthusiasm, interest, passion.
Mnemonic: Apathy is opposite to sympathy.

45. Ape


Old English apa, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch aap and German Affe .
Meaning in English: an imitator or mimic, any monkey like.
Meaning in Hindi: बन्दर, वानर
Usage in Sentence:
"Man evolved from apes."

46. Aperture


late Middle English: from Latin apertura, from apert- ‘opened’, from aperire ‘to open’.
Meaning in English: an opening, hole, a slick, crack
Meaning in Hindi: द्वार, छेद, मुख
 Usage in Sentence:
"A telescope with 3 inches of aperture."
Synonyms: opening, hole, gap, space, slot, vent, passage, pinhole.
Antonyms: closure, closing, juncture.
Mnemonic: Aperture sounds like puncture. Puncture means hole in tyre.

47. Apex

 early 17th cent.: from Latin, ‘peak, tip’.
Meaning in English: highest point, climax, summit, highest point of achievement.
Meaning in Hindi: चोटी, सिरा
Usage in Sentence:
"Apex point in Ganguly’s career was when he scored 183 against Srilanka."
Synonyms: peak, top, crest, vertex, zenith.
Antonyms: base, bottom.

48. Aphasia


mid 19th cent.: from Greek, from aphatos ‘speechless’, from a- ‘not’ + phanai ‘speak’.
Meaning in English: inability to understand or produce speech, loss of speech due to injury.
Meaning in Hindi: अस्वरता, स्वरलोप
Usage in Sentence:
"Mohit is aphasiac due to accident."
Mnemonic: Aphasia sounds like amnesia. Amnesia mean loss of memory so Aphasia means loss of speech.

49. Aphorism

early 16th cent.: from French aphorisme or late Latin aphorismus, from Greek aphorismos ‘definition’, from aphorizein ‘define’.
Meaning in English: a pithy observation which contains general truth, pithy saying.
Meaning in Hindi: कहावत
Usage in Sentence:
"An old aphorism is ‘necessity is mother of invention’."
Synonyms: proverb, moral, axiom, maxim.
Mnemonic: Aphorism = A + phrase.

50. Apiarist


Came from word apiary.
Meaning in English: person who keeps bees.
Usage in Sentence:
"He is an apiarist."
Mnemonic: Apiarist sounds like A + Bee.

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