Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Vocabulary: Words starting with A (71-80)

List (71-80)

71. Appraise


late Middle English (in the sense ‘set a price on’): alteration of apprize, by association with praise. The current sense dates from the mid 19th cent.
Meaning in English: estimate value of, assess value or quality of, assess the performance of an employee.
Meaning in Hindi: मूल्यांकन करना, क़ीमत आँकना
Usage in Sentence:
"Google believes in 360 degree appraisal of employees."
Synonyms: assess, evaluate, estimate, judge, rate, value, price, audit, calculate.
Antonyms: ignore, neglect.
Mnemonic: Ap+ praise = ap ki praise to increase salary.

72. Appreciate


mid 16th cent.: from late Latin appretiat- ‘set at a price, appraised’, from the verb appretiare, from ad- ‘to’ + pretium ‘price’.
Meaning in English: be grateful, be thankful, to raise in value, increase in worth, rise in value.
Meaning in Hindi: सराहना, गुण जानना, मान करना, मूल्यांकन करना
Usage in Sentence:
"Sachin appreciated the youngster’s effort."
Synonyms: value, respect, prize, enjoy, welcome, get high on.
Antonyms: decrease, criticize, disregard, lose value, neglect.
Mnemonic: appreciate is opposite to depreciate which means to decrease value.

73. Apprehend


late Middle English (originally in the sense ‘grasp, get hold of (physically or mentally’)): from French appréhender or Latin apprehendere, from ad- ‘towards’ + prehendere ‘lay hold of’.
Meaning in English: arrest for crime, understand, perceive.
Meaning in Hindi: पकड़ना, अनुभव करना, आशंका करना
Usage in Sentence:
"The police apprehended the thief."
Synonyms: arrest, catch, capture, seize, understand, comprehend, recognize, realize.
Antonyms: liberate, free, let go, misunderstand, lose.
Mnemonic: apprehend sounds like up your hand and police arrests you.

74. Apprehensive


late Middle English (in sense 2): from French appréhensif or medieval Latin apprehensivus, from Latin apprehendere ‘seize, grasp’.
Meaning in English: fearful, quick to learn or understand, perceptive.
Meaning in Hindi: शंकित, भयभीत, समझदार
Usage in Sentence:
"After getting drunk, he was apprehensive about going home."
Synonyms: afraid, concerned, doubtful, uncertain.
Antonyms: calm, certain, sure.
Mnemonic: appreHENsive – hen is always fearful.

75. Apprise


late 17th cent.: from French appris, apprise, past participle of apprendre ‘learn, teach’, from Latin apprehendere.
Meaning in English: inform, tell someone.
Meaning in Hindi: सूचना देना, बतलाना
Usage in Sentence:
"He was apprised that he got admission in IIT."
Synonyms: inform, notify, tell, let know, intimate, to make aware of.
Antonyms: conceal, secret, hide.
Mnemonic: Apprise = a + prize. When you get prize, you are informed about it.

76. Approbation


late Middle English: via Old French from Latin approbatio(n- ), from the verb approbare.
Meaning in English: approval, official approval.
Meaning in Hindi: अनुमोदन, स्वीकृति
Usage in Sentence:
"a term of approbation."
Synonyms: approval, acceptance, assent, appreciation, support, respect, acclamation.
Antonyms: disagreement, denial, disfavor.
Mnemonic: Approbation = a + probation. You get confirmed or approved after probation is completed.

77. Appropriate


late Middle English: from late Latin appropriatus, past participle of appropriare ‘make one's own’, from ad- ‘to’ + proprius ‘own, proper’.
Meaning in English: suitable in the circumstances, acquire.
Meaning in Hindi: उपयुक्त, उचित, ठीक
Usage in Sentence:
"An appropriate example."
Synonyms: apt, good, correct, fitting, useful, relevant.
Antonyms: improper, inopportune, unfitting, unbecoming.

78. Apropos


mid 17th cent.: from French à propos ‘(with regard) to (this) purpose’.
Meaning in English: with reference to, concerning, with regard to.
Meaning in Hindi: अनुरूप, अनुसार
Synonyms: regarding, concerning, respecting.
Antonyms: inappropriate, irrelevant, unsuitable.

79. Aptitude


late Middle English: via Old French from late Latin aptitudo, from aptus.
Meaning in English: a natural tendency, fitness, talent, a natural ability to do something.
Meaning in Hindi: योग्यता, कौशल, उपयुक्तता
Usage in Sentence:
"Children have aptitude for doing creative things."
Synonyms: tendency, leaning, gift, skill.
Antonyms: inaptitude, incapacity, hate, stupidity.
Mnemonic: Remember aptitude tests which check talent.

80. Aquiline


mid 17th cent.: from Latin aquilinus, from aquila ‘eagle’.
Meaning in English: curved, hooked, like an eagle.
Meaning in Hindi: मुड़ा हुआ, गस्र्ड़वत
Synonyms: eaglelike, bent, curved, angular.
Antonyms: straight.
Mnemonic: Aquiline = aqua (water) + line. When you draw line in water, it get converted to curved line.

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